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Hate is actually Fear

Some years ago I talked to an authority on feelings. He told me that hate was not a real feeling, that fear was the underlying feeling of hate. Perhaps love too is underlined with other feelings like respect, caring, understanding and acceptance, but people can love someone or something without these underlying feelings; whereas, hate is a reaction to fear. There are many historical references to fear. We see it today. Extremists fear capitalism and democracy. Racists fear people of different diversities. Religious extremists fear other religions. There are many forms of fear. Fear creates hate.


Fear is caused by ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of study or information. Ignorance can be an individual thing or it can control the masses. People fear what they don't know. Ignorance can create hate.

30. Dolloff Cave Spider.jpg

For example, are you afraid of spiders? You scream and say, "I hate spiders!" Have you ever asked yourself why? Once you answer this question, it's more than likely you will grow to understand them and not be afraid. You will see that some are harmless and all are very necessary for our environment, even the poisonous ones. But that doesn't mean you can play with them or touch them. Spiders can be dangerous, so you respect them and leave them alone, but there is no reason for fear...or hate...or killing them. Understanding spiders will overcome your fear. You may still dislike spiders, but you won't be afraid.

However, we must be aware that there are bad people in our world. That's why parents say, don't talk to strangers. Always go to the park or library with a friend. Listen to your instincts–they're usually right. If someone is bullying you, tell someone. If someone is touching you where they shouldn't, tell someone. A trusted adult can tell you more. 


If you are afraid, calm yourself and ask why. Facing your fear is not easy. Facing your hate is not easy. Ask yourself: why do I hate this person or thing? What did he/she do to make me hate him? What is my fear? It's important not to be afraid. Fear is the one thing that can get you hurt. Be strong and believe in yourself!

Then there are bullies–the person(s) who think they can control you and frighten you. They take your money, your lunch, call you names, make you feel ashamed of yourself. Here is what you do when you encounter a bully. Tell someone. Plain and simple. The best place to start is with a parent, but sometimes parents say things like "you need to learn to stand up for yourself." Although very true, this is a lot harder to do. Other people you can tell are teachers, counselors and the principal. Make sure it is someone you trust. Older friends or brother or sister can help too.


Something you should know. Bullying continues on into adulthood and many adults are subject to ridicule and harassment too. An adult can call the police and press charges. BUT fear is overwhelming in the real world and bullies can make you very frightened. Even adults suffer. Reaching out to someone you trust is the only answer...or you can just live with it and let it control you. Living with fear is not good. It is stressful and stress alone can be bad for your body and mind. It can also make a good person do bad things.


Let me say this strongly: if you have ever bullied someone, you should REALLY think about how BAD it is. It can destroy people and make them angry. It can cause people to hurt the person who has bullied them. Remember, fear creates hate. Perhaps you should ask yourself–if you are a bully–why you are doing this to this person? As I said before, we hate things that we fear and fear comes out of ignorance. Maybe if you talked to this kid you are bullying, you would realize he/she is not such a bad person. You may find out you don't like him/her. Guess what? That's okay, but bullying him/her is not. You are better than that. 


Remember, the Master loves us all. No exceptions! All living things, all of the earth, everything, even bad people and animals that hurt people! 


I am Unicorn. I love you too. Remember: Be kind to yourself as well as others.

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